
Source code/control for DSX demos

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Science Experience Demo Center

This repo contains source code for several demos to be used in DSX


Click here for a deck with high level information on each demo.

Demo Name Industry Deployed App Video
Machine Learning and CPLEX Financial Services
Predicting Customer Churn Telecommunications Bluemix
BlocPower Energy iOS App
San Francisco Traffic Accidents Civil Services Interactive Notebook YouTube
Modeling Tarmac Delays Travel
Weather Geographies Weather
Coming Soon! Hardware
Coming Soon! Retail
Coming Soon! Real Estate

Adding Content

Anyone with access to the IBMDataScience GitHub repo can add content to the Demo Center.

Repo Structure

  • data_assets folder which contains all the relevant csv files
  • notebooks folder which contains the Python or R notebooks being demoed
  • README.md a brief decription of the demo. You can use the attached template to create the readme


Each demo will contain one slide in a more general DSX-DemoCenter deck. The slide should be very brief, including only the purpose, tools, industry, and other high level information of the demo.

To add a slide, you'll have to download the deck from the link above, which is located within IBM Box, modify it to reflect your added demo, and replace it within Box.


You can follow the format of the table above when inserting a new demo. Simply create a new row in the table, include your demo, industry, and deployed app/video (if applicable). The easiest way to do with would be to just copy and paste the format from a previous row in the table and modify it. Be sure to git add the updated README.md file before running git commit