This repository contains source code of Facepunch transport as well as an example of its usage with Steam Lobby service.
- Unity 2021.3 or newer
- Netick 2 for Unity
- Facepunch.Steamworks (Included in project files)
- Download .unitypackage from the release section and import it into your project. Uncheck the Plugins folder if you already have Facepunch DLLs in your project.
- Pass reference to
scriptable object fromNetick/Transports/Facepunch
or andStartAsClient
methods of Netick. Using transport in Netick - FacepunchTransport requires you to initialize SteamClient before starting the server. There is a MonoBehavior named
Facepunch Initializer
that can do that for you, place it on a game object in your starting scene.
Facepunch provides several APIs for games, including matchmaking. In order to connect using Facepunch you need to pass LobbyID (or friend's SteamID) as an address to Connect
method of sandbox.
var sandbox = Netick.Unity.Network.StartAsClient(Transport, Port, SandboxPrefab);
sandbox.Connect(Port, CurrentLobby.Owner.Id.ToString());
For a complete example of the lobby usage check Assets/NetickSteamDemo/SteamNetick
- Steam Lobbies and matchmaking example
- Create public, private, and friends only lobbies
- Join friends lobbies with the "Join Friend" button on steam
- Public lobby browser with distance queries
- Steam command line to auto-join lobbies on startup, when the game is started by clicking "join friend" on steam
- Voice Chat (hold V to record and transmit steam voice data)