Issues in PestoSamplingIOptions

FFroehlich opened this issue · 2 comments

the default samplingAlgorithm PT fails when not setting any options.

problem is the following snippet:

                  this.theta0 = bsxfun(@plus, par.min', ...
                     bsxfun(@times, par.max' - par.min', rand(par.number,this.PT.nTemps)))';
  1. par.min and par.max do not have default orientation. use (:) or check beforehand.
  2. this.PT.nTemps is empty by default because this.PT was not initialised.

surprisingly, the orientation of par.min and par.max is not even consistent with what getMultiStarts returns ;)

on a related note:
in performPT.m
the check

   switch size(theta0,2)
      case 1
         theta = repmat(theta0,[1,nTemps]);
      case nTemps
         theta = theta0;
         error('Dimension of options.theta0 is incorrect.');

doesn't really work with the above snippet (only for par.number == 1 ?).