This repository holds the Python QTM Toolbox that can be used for transport measurements with equipment as used in the QTM/ICE research group.
The repository contains different files and folders, organised in the following manner:
- is the main file of the project and is the starting point of each experiment. For every new experiment, create a new copy of this file and change it to reflect your current measurement setup.
- functions contains the script that contains basic functions such as move, sweep, measure.
- instruments contains definitions for all instruments that can be used during measurements.
The repository contains a simple plot tool that can plot live measurements. The tool can also quickly plot other (i.e. older) data files, as long as they are generated by the QTM Toolbox.
- QTMplot.pyw is the plot tool. The tool should be launched from the pythonw.exe of your installed Python distribution.
A screenshot of the plot tool is shown below.
The plot tool has a few useful keyboard shortcuts!
- Ctrl+O : pop up the 'Open file dialog' (also stops live plotting)
- Ctrl+R : rescale figure once
- Ctrl+A : enable auto rescale: the figure will continuously rescale when new data is added through the live plotting
- Ctrl+L : toggle live plotting on/off
To run the QTMtoolbox, we recommend the installation of Python 3.x through the Anaconda distribution. To use the live plotting tool as a standalone application, tick "Add Anaconda to system PATH" during the installation of Anaconda, or edit the Environment Variables manually (see below).
By using the Anaconda prompt, install the following packages
- pyqt5
- pyqtgraph
- pyvisa
- pyserial
System environment variables: If you need to manually add the Python path to the system variables (this enables you to open cmd.exe and type 'python', which is required for the QTMplot to work as a standalone application), add the following paths. Here, we assume that Anaconda is installed in C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3.
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\bin
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\mingw-x64\bin
- C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Library\usr\bin
A manual is supplied to help new users to setup their measurements. The manual also contains an overview of all instruments, functions, etc.
- Manual is a PDF file containing detailed information about how to use this Toolbox.
A file parser can be found in functions.qtmimport
. To prevent that this file needs to be copied into every measurement folder, or that absolute paths need to be used when importing this file, it has been separated into a PyPI package as well.
To install the qtmimport package, use
pip install qtmimport
from the Anaconda prompt. Import the module either as from qtmimport import qtmimport
and use as data = qtmimport.parse_data(filename)
or use from qtmimport.qtmimport import *
and use data = parse_data(filename)
The package can be found at
The .gitignore file tells GitLab that certain files / folder should not be uploaded to this repository (such as personal configuration files) and can be ignored.