
A zero-dependencies series of bash script to interact with Datashare's index and queue.

Primary LanguageShell

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Datashare: Better analyze information, in all its forms

A zero-dependencies series of bash scripts to interact with Datashare's index and queue.
Setup | Scripts | Test | Cookbook


To run those scripts only needs to have access to the ElasticSearch URL which must be stored in an environement variable called ELASTICSEARCH_URL. Same logic applies to REDIS_URL. To avoid setting up this variable everytime you use those script, you can store in a .env at the root of this directory:



Here are the main scripts available in this repository:

├── elasticsearch
│   │
│   ├── document
│   │   ├── count.sh # Count documents under a given path
│   │   ├── delete.sh # Delete documents under a given path
│   │   ├── move.sh # Move documents from a directory to another
│   │   └── reindex.sh # Reindex documents from a given index and under a specific directory
│   │
│   ├── duplicate
│   │   ├── count.sh # Count duplicates
│   │   └── reindex.sh # Reindex duplicates from a given index
│   │
│   ├── index
│   │   ├── clone.sh # Clone a given index into another
│   │   ├── create.sh # Create an index using default Datashare settings
│   │   ├── delete.sh # Delete an index
│   │   ├── list.sh # Get all indices
│   │   ├── number_of_replicas.sh # Get or change number of replicas for a given index
│   │   ├── refresh_interval.sh # Get or change refresh interval for a given index
│   │   ├── refresh.sh # Refresh a given index
│   │   ├── reindex.sh # Reindex everything from a given index
│   │   └── replace.sh # Replace an index by another one
│   │
│   ├── named_entity
│   │   ├── count.sh # Count named entities
│   │   └── reindex.sh # Reindex named entities from a given index
│   │
│   └── task
│       ├── cancel.sh # Cancel a given task
│       ├── get.sh # Get a given task status
│       ├── list.sh # Get all tasks
│       └── watch.sh # Watch a given task status
├── redis
│   │
│   ├── queue
│   │   └── rpush.sh # Insert stdin rows to a given queue
│   │
│   └── report
│       ├── hdel.sh # Remove stdin rows from a given report map
│       └── hset.sh # Insert stdin rows to a given report map
└── lib
    └── sync.sh # Sync this directory with another location with rsync


Developpers can run tests using bats:

export ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://localhost:9200 # Change this with the URL of ElasticSearch 
make tests


This cookbook list real-life examples of how to use those scripts.

Copy documents from a given index to another

An example showing how to copy documents from the kimchi index to the miso while taking care of updating the path.

1. Create a clone of the "miso" index to avoid messing up with data:

./elasticsearch/index/clone.sh miso miso-tmp

2. Reindex documents from kimchi under the folder /disk/kimchi/tofu onto miso-tmp:

./elasticsearch/index/reindex.sh kimchi miso-tmp /disk/kimchi/tofu

3. While the reindex is being done, watch progress using the task id from the last command:

./elasticsearch/task/watch.sh 8UnTR-67T8y0idkyndf77Q:36041259

4. The document moved to miso-tmp use the wrong path so we update it as well:

./elasticsearch/document/move.sh miso-tmp /disk/kimchi/tofu /disk/miso/tofu

5. Finally, after checking everything is fine, we substitue the miso index by miso-tmp:

./elasticsearch/index/replace.sh miso-tmp miso

Re-index an index

This opperation might be useful if mapping or settings of the index changed.

1. Create a ricecake-tmp empty index:

./elasticsearch/index/create.sh ricecake-tmp

2. Reindex all documents (under "/" path) from ricecake under to ricecake-tmp:

./elasticsearch/documents/reindex.sh ricecake ricecake-tmp /

3. Replace the old ricecake by the new one:

./elasticsearch/index/replace.sh ricecake-tmp ricecake

Queue files (for indexing)

This will get files from find and store them in the extract:queue list:

find /home/foo/bar -type f | ./redis/queue/rpush.sh extract:queue

Or to filtered that list with a filtered.txt file:

find ~+ -type f | grep -vFf filtered.txt | ./redis/queue/rpush.sh extract:queue

This can also be done with a single file:

echo "/file/to/index.pdf" | ./redis/queue/rpush.sh extract:report

Add files to a report map

Report map are used to store error and skip already indexed files.

find /home/foo/bar -type f | ./redis/report/hset.sh extract:report

Delete files from a report map

This can be usefull to force a reindex on certain files:

cat to-reindex.txt | ./redis/report/hdel.sh extract:report

This can also be done with a single file:

echo "/file/to/reindex.pdf" | ./redis/report/hdel.sh extract:report