- 1
- 0
checkmarx server error 500 (due to scan file purge)
#692 opened by milenk - 0
Add a metric for stale branches
#622 opened by fniessink - 0
- 1
GitlabCI has the result capped to 20 branches
#645 opened by milenk - 1
- 0
Extra info table layout problem: table to wide.
#654 opened by milenk - 0
Make False positive filed broader.
#655 opened by milenk - 0
use defusedxml
#533 opened by milenk - 0
- 0
Prepare for Travis infra migration
#573 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
Accessing SonarQube is much slower since HQ v2.93.5
#718 opened by fniessink - 0
Reporting on branches with SonarQube developer edition doesn't work anymore
#714 opened by denniebouman - 0
Getting information from doesn't work
#658 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
- 0
Jacoco report age can't be measured when the Jacoco url doesn't end with index.html
#676 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
Support new SonarQube issue type "Security Hotspot"
#598 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
Make OWASP severity check case insensitive in HQ
#665 opened by denniebouman - 1
Add "Security Hotspots" from SonarQube to the report.
#661 opened by milenk - 0
- 0
- 0
Implement a feature that can mark False Positives.
#653 opened by milenk - 0
Add accessibility metric from aXe report
#618 opened by milenk - 2
Support "Linters" as metric source
#561 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
GitlabCI - link is "unspecified"
#605 opened by milenk - 1
Static method __add_effort of Sonar metric cannot handle all possible formats.
#600 opened by RexValkering - 0
- 0
Add GitLab CI as source for CI server
#537 opened by enrico2828 - 0
Include ART of example report in travis build
#588 opened by milenk - 0
Jira as metric source for action log
#536 opened by enrico2828 - 0
Datetime format throws an error in GitlabCi
#583 opened by milenk - 0
Sharepoint Planner Meric Source: Improve error logging by "interaction_required" login error
#577 opened by milenk - 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gitlab'
#582 opened by milenk - 0
Sharepoint Planner throwing exception when saved refresh token is an empty string.
#566 opened by milenk - 0
- 0
Only interpret job names as regular expression if they clearly are regular expressions
#555 opened by fniessink - 0
- 0
Checkmarx metric source: replace all odata api calls with corresponding rest api calls
#534 opened by milenk - 1
Detail information cannot be accessed if metric "short name" contains spaces
#539 opened by fniessink - 0
Violations are missing for Components
#541 opened by milenk - 0
- 1
Document how to register technical debt on the Wiki
#535 opened by fniessink - 0
Extra slash in http request to checkmarx
#529 opened by milenk - 0
tfs owasp - possible faults depending on zip creation
#526 opened by milenk - 0
TFS OWASP xml report
#523 opened by milenk