
Secret2Env is a Go-based tool that retrieves secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and saves them into a .env file.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Secret2Env is a Go-based tool that retrieves secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and saves them into a .env file. This script is designed to facilitate secret management in environments that use .env files for configuration.


  • AWS Account: You need an AWS account with secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
  • EC2 Instance with IAM Role: If running this script on an EC2 instance, the IAM role must have secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission.

Quick Start

Using the Pre-built Binary:

wget https://github.com/ICTools/secret2env/releases/download/v1.1.1/secret2env
chmod +x secret2env

Then, you can run the binary with options:

./secret2env --secretName "ictools" --region "eu-west-3"

Running from Source Code (Go Required)

If you prefer to run Secret2Env from the source code, make sure Go (recommended version 1.23+) is installed and follow these steps.


Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/ICTools/secret2env.git
cd secret2env

Install dependencies:

go mod tidy

IAM Configuration

Ensure that the EC2 instance or AWS user running this script has the necessary permissions to access the secrets. A minimal IAM policy might look like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Replace account-id and ictools with the values specific to your account and secret. You can find the arn of your secrets manager directly in the secrets manager (via the AWS console).

Full Go command:

go run main.go --secretName "ictools" --region "eu-west-3" --outputDir "/path/to/directory" --fileName ".env.local" --versionStage "AWSCURRENT"

Using shortcuts:

go run main.go -s "ictools" -r "eu-west-3" -o "/path/to/directory" -f ".env.local" -v "AWSCURRENT"


  • --secretName (-s): The name of the secret in AWS Secrets Manager.

  • --region (-r): The AWS region where the secret is stored (e.g., eu-west-3).

  • --outputDir (-r) (OPTIONAL) : The directory where the file will be saved. Current directory by default.

  • --fileName (-f) (OPTIONAL) : The name of the output file. ".env" by default.

  • --versionStage (-v) (OPTIONAL) : The version stage of AWS secret. AWSCURRENT by default.