composer require ehyiah/ux-quill
yarn install --force
yarn watch
npm install --force
npm run watch
It's done, you can use the QuillType to build a QuillJs WYSIWYG
You can add as many WYSIWYG fields inside same page like any normal fields.
In a form, use QuillType. It works like a classic Type except it has more options : e.g:
use Ehyiah\QuillJsBundle\Form\QuillType;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// ...
->add('myField', QuillType::class)
For the most basic this is only what you have to do.
use Ehyiah\QuillJsBundle\Form\QuillType;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// ...
->add('myField', QuillType::class, [
'quill_extra_options' => [
'height' => '780px',
'theme' => 'snow',
'placeholder' => 'Hello Quill WYSIWYG',
'quill_options' => [
// this is where you customize the WYSIWYG by creating one or many Groups
// you can also build your groups using a classic array but many classes are covering almost every Quill Fields see below
new BoldInlineField(),
new ItalicInlineField(),
// and many more
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_1),
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_2),
// and many more
- debug: type:string, values: 'error', 'warn', 'log', 'info' (you can use DebugOption class to build it)
- height: type string, examples: 200px, 200em, default: '200px'
- theme: type: string, values: 'snow', 'bubble', default: 'snow' (you can use ThemeOption class to build it)
- placeholder: type: string
- upload_handler: type: array (explained below)
This is where you will choose what elements you want to display in your WYSIWYG. You can build an array like you would do following the QuillJs official documentation Or use a more convenient with Autocomplete using the many Fields Object in this bundle.
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_1),
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_2),
This example will display a h1 and h2 header options side by side
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_1),
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_2),
new BoldInlineField(),
new ItalicInlineField(),
This example will display a h1 and h2 header options side by side and another Group containing a Bold and an Italic fields
You can add as many Groups as you like or just One if you don't need the WYSIWYG options to have spaces between them.
Many fields have options:
- you can look in DTO/Fields folder to see the full list of available fields.
in ImageInlineField : QuillJS transform images in base64 encoded file by default to save your files. However, you can specify a custom endpoint to handle image uploading and pass in response the entire public URL to display the image.
- currently handling :
- data sendig in base64 inside a json
- OR
- in a multipart/form-data
'quill_extra_options' => [
'upload_handler' => [
'type' => 'json',
// 'type' => 'form',
'path' => '/my-custom-endpoint/upload',
- your endpoint must return the complete URL of the file example :
- in json mode data will look like this by calling $request->getContent() and
in content-type headers
- in form mode you will find a
in content-type headers and file will be present in $request->files namedfile
- then you can handle it like you would do with a FileType
- First create a quill.js inside assets diretory
// start the Stimulus application
import './bootstrap';
- Next create in webpack.config a new entry
.addEntry('quill', './assets/quill.js')
Then you can use the QuillAdminField like this :
Or add custom options like you would do with the normal type
'quill_options' =>
new BoldInlineField(),
new ItalicInlineField(),
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_1),
new HeaderField(HeaderField::HEADER_OPTION_2),
in a twig template simply :
<div>{{ my_variable|raw }}</div>
you can of course sanitize HTML if you need to for security reason, but don't forget to configure it to your needs as many html balise and style elements will be removed by default. Same goes in your Form configuration
'sanitize_html' => false,
'sanitizer' => 'my_awesome_sanitizer_config