UoA Python Sessions
Course work, examples, and written instructions will appear in this repository during the course. For now, please complete the setup below before the first tutorial. Email me if you have trouble with this setup.
Setup Instructions
STEP 1: Download this tutorial from GitHub (you're here now), use the green 'code' button (near the top, right) to download these files as a zip. This set of files hosted on GitHub is referred to as a 'repository' or 'repo'. Unzip the repository somewhere on your computer that is easy to find and is not buried too deep in your file system. I recommend your Documents folder.
STEP 2: Set up your python
Participants who are new to python:
You will need to set up your computer before the the first tutorial by installing the Anaconda software package. Anaconda designed to make it easy for scientists, engineers and others to start using with Python.
Anaconda is free to use for students and people doing individual projects. People who work in large corporations need to buy a license to use Anaconda. The start of Rob's introduction to Python describes how to use just 'conda', which people in large corporations can do without breaching any software license agreements. Because it works 'out of the box', I would recommend using Anaconda if you can.
Download and install Anaconda distribution (previously called individual edition). When prompted, accept the default installation settings. For more information on installation, see this for Windows or for this for Mac.
This video is a couple of years old, but still nicely demonstrates the Anaconda download process and how to work with the terminal/anaconda prompt.
During the first tutorials, you will be introduced to the Jupiter Lab IDE (Interactive Development Environnement). In later tutorials, we we explore other IDE's.
More advanced participants:
You are welcome to use your preferred IDE and method of managing requirements.