
Simple finite element, heat- and mass-transfer models for teaching geothermal reservoir physics

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Volsung Toy Models

Simple finite element, heat- and mass-transfer models designed to teach geothermal reservoir physics.

Models developed by Irene Wallis, Cubic Earth https://www.cubicearth.nz/

Flow State Solutions sponsored a licence of Volsung (v 1.14.0) for this project https://www.flowstatesolutions.co.nz/

Model Descriptions

1) Conduction

Illustrates a conductive thermal gradient of 40 degC/km (model 1a)

List of rock thermal conductivities: https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1988/0441/report.pdf

All rock types have permeability of 0.001 mD (i.e., below the limit for convection).

grid 1 A 10/10 km model with with 1000 m Voronoi grid elements in the horizontal with 250 m thick blocks to 8 km depth.

2) Single Fault

A single fault with high vertical permeability within a relatively low permeability host rock. A conductive thermal gradient of XXX degC/km is implemented without additional upflow elements (i.e., there is no additional injection of heat and mass into the fault zone). Subsequently, the convection cell, both upward and downward components, form inside the fault.

model 2a single fault in one rock medium, but the fault does not go to surface

6) Cap


Apache 2.0



Models and associated teaching materials were developed by Irene Wallis. Peter Franz (Flow State Solutions) is acknowledged for providing technical support for the Volsung package. Bill Cumming (Cumming Geoscience) is acknowledged for conceptual discussions that contributed to the refinement of this teaching resource.