TypeScript and front-end architecture enthusiast. I love porting or helping others port a project from JavaScript to TypeScript.
Axon Enterprise, Inc.Ho Chi Minh city
ICodeMyOwnLife's Followers
- BuddySwThu
- bunnygens
- dnhn@dnhn
- haulinh
- hidroh@Microsoft
- hoangphuc17
- iBi11
- jacobsomerFalls Church, VA
- jellylidong
- KellyDang86
- khanhpv195Developer
- Labasel090
- lucasrmagalhaes@Fiergs
- nttanh6299VNG Corporation
- phatnguyenuit@NAB
- quanghuy89Ho Chi Minh City
- shiv13-lab
- SyuqTAT
- trungnghiahoang96Vietnam
- Turkinahhas
- vuduynhiennnViet Nam
- ytonVN