
Source code for the SIGMOD24 paper "Fast Shapley Value Computation in Data Assemblage Tasks as Cooperative Simple Games"

Primary LanguageRust

Fast Shapley Value Computation in Data Assemblage Tasks as Cooperative Simple Games

Install dependencies

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • Rust: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


cargo build --release

Generate source data

We use two data sets in our experiment.

  • TPC-H: a benchmark data set that lacks data owner information
     git submodule update --init --recursive
     ./scripts/tpch-dbgen.sh -s 1.0
    After this step, we can find the source data in the folder "./data/tpch/data".
  • ESD (European Soccer Database): a real-world data set that contains data owner information.
    • We can manuallly export a csv verison of the data set from the sqlite database or download a csv version directly here.
    • Save the csv files to the folder "./data/soccer/data"
    • Run command: ./scripts/soccer-dbgen.sh

Generate assignment data

We skip this step for the ESD data set since it contains data owner information. For TPC-H data set, assign source data to data owners and store the assignment via:

python3 ./scripts/assign_data.py -d <dataset> -a <alpha> -b <beta> -k <number_of_data_owner> -m <max_copy> -o <equal owners> -r <equal records> -f <output dir>


python3 ./scripts/assign_data.py -d tpch -a 3.0 -b 3.0 -k 500 -m 4 -o 1 -r 1 -f ./data/tpch/assignment

After this step, we can find the assignment data in the folder "./data/tpch/assignment".

Compute Shapley value

 cal_sv  -d <dataset>  -c <source data dir> -a <data assignment dir> -o <output file> -m <method>


  • TPC-H:
./target/release/cal_sv -d tpch -c data/tpch/data -a data/tpch/assignment -o rdsv.json -m rdsv
  • ESD:
./target/release/cal_sv -d soccer -c data/soccer/data -o rdsv.json -m rdsv

Compute Shapley value with ablation

Calculate Shapley value for all data owners by ablating one type of decomposition via:

 cal_sv_ablation  -d <dataset>  -c <source data dir> -a <data assignment dir> -o <output file> -m <method> --ablation <ablation_type>


  • TPC-H:
./target/release/cal_sv_ablation -d tpch -c data/tpch/data -a data/tpch/assignment -o rdsv.json -m rdsv --ablation no-horizontal
  • ESD:
./target/release/cal_sv_ablation -d soccer -c data/soccer/data -o rdsv.json -m rdsv --ablation no-horizontal