- amrrs
- anastasia-mbithe
- avantika61
- carolsrto
- ChrisMarsh82Sheffield
- dannyparsonsIDEMS International
- dave-millsStatistics for Sustainable Development @stats4sd
- dperondiRaleigh, NC
- elceespatial
- ernestguevarra@katilingban
- EXFFOO56566
- fatemamelgCairo, Egypt
- ffustoArpacal
- fiviogreen
- gbazackCergy, France
- Gioche6United Kingdom
- isedwardsUK
- john-bagilikoSuperfluid Labs
- JustGitting
- Leo-Lee15China
- lhmetUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
- N-thonyIDEMS
- nathaneastwood@ne-data
- Patowhiz@conlooptechnologies
- petebakerSchool of Public Health, University of Queensland
- rachelkg
- rafaelbailoTU/e – Eindhoven University of Technology
- shadrackkibetAfrican Institute for Mathematical sciences (AIMS)
- singmannUniversity College London, Experimental Psychology
- stevekogoAfrican Maths Initiative
- svad012
- thinkhaox
- volloholic@IDEMSInternational
- xrbu
- Yonaba2iE