Installation :
- git clone (repo url)
- run the server yarn start:dev
- flutter run (for the frontend app)
Project Architecture : (Client - Server)
- frontend app : flutter
- backend app : nodeJs x apollo server (graphQl)
TechStack :
Backend : NodeJs , typescrips , prisma , graphql
Prisma : modern orm for abstracting databases acess and codegen
GraphQl : A superset of rest api explored in 2020
Frontend app :
Folder Structure :
Ui : generic reusable ui elements
Feautures : each feature/screen it's ui,state management and logic is self contained within it's own folder each feature is structured in the following way :
- ui : all ui elements
- logic : all the logic code , controllers , communicating with infrastructure
DataModel : the data models used in the projects and across the features
Application : orchestration , error handling and utility code
Infrastrucure :
- all techincal related functionality composed into a services Gateway which contain a list of all services (registered dynamically)
- an event is fired with the sendEvent functionality
- we use binarySearch(hidden behind a search algorithm interface) and a serviceId embeded in the event to locate the target service
- then each service is a self contained package with the same mechanism as the service Gateway but using a commandsList instead of services (command pattern) which allow maximuim scalability without ruining the existing code
Backend app : - graphQl router