
Is there a way to avoid running the same experiment twice?

yuvval opened this issue · 3 comments

I am migrating my experimental framework (with basic scheduling) to sacred.

My framework scheduler might call same experiment multiple times from different machines. In case an experiment is COMPLETED or RUNNING, then a pre-hook exits the experiment (skipping the execution of the main function). Otherwise (when the experiment is DEAD or does not exists), the experiment is launched . Or in other words, it avoids running the same experiment twice.

Is there a way to have a similar functionality in sacred?


having the same question.

@yuvval nice project! I think a functionality like this might be worth directly integrating into sacred. In addition to checking for the same config, I think one would also need to check for the same source, dependencies and options. Then one could have a new option to check for existing experiments like --check_duplicates.