SD-JWT Implementation in Kotlin
This is a Kotlin implementation of the Selective Disclosure for JWTs spec using the Nimbus JOSE + JWT library.
Up to date with draft version: 02
Checking Out the Implementation
In the SdJwtKtTest.kt file there are examples that show how the library can be used on the issuance, wallet and verifier side.
Running the Examples
First Possibility
If you have Docker installed you can simply run:
docker build -t sd-jwt .
docker run -it --rm sd-jwt
Second Possibility (Linux)
- Install Java version 17 or newer (e.g.
sudo apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk
) - Run tests with the gradle wrapper:
./gradlew test --tests SdJwtKtTest -i -PossrhUsername= -PossrhPassword=
Import into Gradle Project
plugins {
/* ... */
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.7.10'
dependencies {
/* ... */
implementation ''
// For ED25519 key pairs
Library Usage
First you need to define your credential as a kotlinx serializable data class.
data class SimpleTestCredential(
@SerialName("given_name") val givenName: String? = null,
@SerialName("family_name") val familyName: String? = null,
val email: String? = null,
val b: Boolean? = null,
val age: Int? = null
Then you need a few variables to get started.
val verifier = ""
val issuer = ""
val issuerKeyJson = """{"kty":"OKP","d":"Pp1foKt6rJAvx0igrBEfOgrT0dgMVQDHmgJZbm2h518","crv":"Ed25519","kid":"IssuerKey","x":"1NYF4EFS2Ov9hqt35fVt2J-dktLV29hs8UFjxbOXnho"}"""
val issuerKey = OctetKeyPair.parse(issuerKeyJson)
val trustedIssuers = mutableMapOf<String, String>(issuer to issuerKey.toPublicJWK().toJSONString())
Issuer Creating the Credential
val claims = SimpleTestCredential("Alice", "Wonderland", "", false, 21)
val credential = createCredential(claims, null, issuer, issuerKey)
Wallet Creating the Presentation
val releaseClaims = SimpleTestCredential(givenName = "", email = "", age = 0) // Non-null claims will be revealed
val presentation = createPresentation(credential, releaseClaims, verifier, "12345", null)
Verifier Parsing and Verifying the Credential
val verifiedSimpleTestCredential = verifyPresentation<SimpleTestCredential>(presentation, trustedIssuers, "12345", verifier)