IEEE VIT Recruitment 2019-2020

This repository consists of the frontend code of the recruitment portal that we created during the recruitments for IEEE(2019-2020).

Project Description

The entire frontend was built in React.js and the backend was built in Django-REST framework. There were two website which were built:

  1. External

    This consisted of the website where a candidate would fill in his details such as their name, registration number, etc.
  2. Internal

    This further consisted of two section:
    a. Interviewer: Here, the person taking the interview would be able to view the details of the interviewee along with the answers given to specific question. He/she would be able to call the person for the interview and would be able to assign projects to the specific person.
    b. Moderator: There would be a moderator for each room where he/she would be able to see the people present in their room and would be able to view which interviewer called which interviewee from the specific room. They would also be able to remove a certain person from the list.
