
Sem 3 Mini Project -The Online Polling System is built for teachers to help them during online lectures. The admin can create a quiz and will have to create a quiz id for the quiz. The students will have to enter the quiz id given by the teacher vote in the quiz.

Primary LanguagePython


The Online Polling System is built for teachers to help them during online lectures. The admin can create a quiz and will have to create a quiz id for the quiz. The students will have to enter the quiz id given by the teacher vote in the quiz.The results will be displayed in graphical format.The user cannot vote for the same quiz twice.

• It will make students more attentive.
• It will facilitate the learning experience of students.
• The software will bemuch more accessible and user friendly for students as it has simpler UI.
• It could be used by all standard level of students due to its easy usage.
• It would garner the attention of a lot of education faculty due to its features.
• It will make teaching easy for teachers.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


python== 3.5 or up and django==3.1.1 or up


Open terminal and type
git clone https://github.com/orvil1026/Online-polling-system.git

or simply download using the url below


To migrate the database open terminal in project directory and type

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

To use admin panel you need to create superuser using this command

python manage.py createsuperuser

To run the program in local server use the following command

python manage.py runserver

Then go to in your browser

Project snapshot

Home page

Admin Login Page

Enter the username and password created while making the superuser.

Admin Home Page

Add Quiz Page

Polls list Page

User Login page

User Registration Page

Enter Quiz id Page

Poll list page

Vote page

Results page


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