Baker's Bizarre Adventure



Target Age

For all ages



Game Summary:

You are Maurice ,a french baker that have money issues. One day he saw that the king was looking for some hero to rescue the princess that has been capture. In order to never work again you are led to an adventure throught this strange land. Improve your incredible weapon and fight bandits and other kind of enemies until you reach the tower where the princess is imprisoned.

Game Outline:

Players travel throught this land fighting enemies and talking with people you encounter. You can upgrade your weapon by finding weath spikes. Find all the cliches we have hidden!

USP (Unique Selling Points)

  • Fun and unique Story.
  • Special Bosses and enemies each level.
  • Forge the Great Baguette.
  • Find every hidden cliche.

Similar competitive products;

Shovel Knight, Super Mario Bros, Reventure.



Sound effects

  • Some of the sound effects have been selected from pixabay and others made by us.
