
Yes, #Blazor which is C# in the web browser + SignalR real-time army + Live @Twitter streaming... holy cats batman!

Primary LanguageC#


This application was written to demonstrate SignalR with Blazor WebAssembly. It was inspired by the evolution of an earlier project of mine, which started with Blazor.Extensions + SignalR, before the official SignalR .NET client actually worked with Blazor. At a later time, the app was converted to no longer rely on Blazor.Extensions. Unfortunately it relies on a combination of JavaScript and the Azure SignalR service, IEvangelist.BlazoR.TwitterStreaming. Now, we're back to a more pure .NET solution...

Enjoy 🤘

Accessing Twitter API

In order to access the Twitter API, you need a Twitter developer account. Then you will need to specify several environment variables in order for this application to function appropriately.

  • Authentication__Twitter__AccessToken
  • Authentication__Twitter__AccessTokenSecret
  • Authentication__Twitter__ConsumerKey
  • Authentication__Twitter__ConsumerSecret

