pyCANON is a Python library and CLI to assess the values of the parameters associated with the most common privacy-preserving techniques.
- alvarolopezCSIC - Spanish National Research Council
- andreshecaCSIC - Spanish National Research Council
- anirbanbasuUniversity of Sussex
- carmenmarcos00Santander, Spain
- dandelie1998
- danmouVoliro Airborne Robotics
- davemlzRSC4Earth | University of Leipzig
- davorrunje@airtai
- giangzuzanaSlovakia
- henrylaohttps://www.henrylao.com/
- jaime-cespedes-sisniegaTUI Musement
- judithspd@IFCA - CSIC
- julianspaeth@FeatureCloud
- karen-otte
- laplacefUnited States
- lenapheno
- lien-dkseo
- Lmorryl
- maffinyepMilan, IT
- molitorisLuzern
- pablorodriperMadrid
- remramaCenter for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine
- rhnfzlEindhoven, NL
- shreshtha48Student @DAIICT
- Smilencr
- straightquavers
- tzuV
- webcoderz
- zundamo-ti