CS336 Spring 2024 Executable Lectures

This repository contains the executable lectures for Spring 2024 offering of CS336: Language Models from Scratch.


Install necessary packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Things that you need

  • $OPENAI_API_KEY (optional)
  • $TOGETHER_API_KEY (optional)
  • wandb login (optional)
  • GPU (optional)

To quickly check that things run:

python main.py

How to use this program

To go through the lecture yourself:

  • Open up main.py in vscode, set a breakpoint on the desired lecture and step through it using the debugger (press F5).
  • Press F11 to dive into a section.
  • Press F10 to step over a line.
  • Mouse over variables to see their values.
  • Open view.html to see an execution log of the lecture, which includes any images.