Old SIMS website (retired 2023-06-02). The rcrcsims.org URL now points to the new site.



To set up the development environment for this website, you'll need to install the following on your system:

  • Install nvm
  • nvm use
  • rvm and Bundler
  • rvm use 2.3.1
  • Gulp ( $ npm install -g gulp )

After these basic requirements are met, run the following commands in the website's folder:

$ npm install

Will also run bundle install

Getting started

$ gulp serve

Compiles the compass files, javascripts, and launches the server making the site available at http://localhost:3000/ The system will watch files and execute tasks whenever one of them changes. The site will automatically refresh since it is bundled with livereload.

The _config-dev.yml file will be loaded alongside _config.yml.

Other commands

Clean the compiled site. I.e. the _site folder

$ gulp clean

Compile the compass files, javascripts, and builds the jekyll site using _config-dev.yml. Use this instead of gulp serve if you don't want to watch.

$ gulp

Compiles the site loading the _config-prod.yml alongside _config.yml. The javascript files will be minified.

$ gulp prod