
An Eclipse plug-in for the build system SCons (scons.org).

Primary LanguageJava

SConsolidator - An Eclipse plug-in for SCons

Build Status

Install it from our Eclipse Update Site at http://www.sconsolidator.com/update


SCons is an open source software build tool which tries to fix the numerous weaknesses of Make clones like the missing automatic dependency extraction, the complex syntax to describe build properties and the cross-platform issues when using shell scripts. SCons is a self-contained tool which is not dependent on any existing platform utilities. Because it is based on Python the user has the full power of a modern scripting language to deal with all build related issues.

For the acceptance of a build tool it is very important to have a comfortable integration into an IDE. Before now there was no satisfying support for SCons in Eclipse. SConsolidator - a term project at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil - addresses this and provides tool integration for SCons in Eclipse for a convenient C/C++ development experience.

Build console of SConsolidator


  • Convertion of existing CDT managed build projects to SCons projects
  • Import of existing SCons projects into Eclipse with wizard support
  • Interactive mode to quickly build single C/C++ source files speeding up round-trip times
  • A special view for a convenient build target management of all workspace projects
  • Graph visualization of build dependencies that helps in debugging SCons build problems


See this getting started guide for help on how to use SConsolidator with your C++ projects.

Contribution help

Minimum requirements to contribute

  • Java 7
  • Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)
  • SCons
  • Maven v3 (because we use Tycho)

Eclipse project setup

  • Install Eclipse and SCons
  • Import projects into Eclipse with the project wizard
  • Open target file ch.hsr.ifs.sconsolidator.core.target and install dependencies through "Set as Target Platform"


We use Tycho and Maven to build the project artifacts:

$ mvn compile

Run tests

$ mvn integration-test

or if you prefer to run the tests in a X screen buffer, you can use the following script:

$ runtests.sh

Project layout


SConsoldator's core functionality including all UI stuff, project wizards, builders, Python files for collection build information from existing projects, etc.


All Junit tests for SConsolidator's core functionality as well as the tests for collecting build information from existing projects


Eclipse feature project for SConsolidator's core plug-in


SConsolidators dependency visualization plug-in that shows the dependencies between C++ build entities like source, object and library files; based on the Eclipse's Visualization Toolkit Zest


Eclipse feature project for SConsolidator's dependency visualization plug-in


Eclipse project for SConsolidator's Eclipse help system (Getting started guide, welcome page, etc.)


Some UI tests based on SWTBot


Eclipse Update site project