
Build info collection ignores CXXFLAGS

migel opened this issue · 4 comments

It looks like the process that is run to collect include paths and preprocessor macros is not passed the CXXFLAGS. This can cause problems when the CXXFLAGS affects the results. For example using --std=c++11 flag defines the macro __cplusplus 201103L; without it the eclipse c++ indexer will not properly parse c++ 11 code. Another example is using --stdlib=libc++ with clang++, it adds /usr/include/c++/v1 to the list of include paths.

This issue still exists as of 2016-02-08. I've hacked together a fix for this as follows:

Extract BuildInfoCollector.py from the plugin (eclipse/plugins/ch.hsr.ifs.sconsolidator.core_0.6.0.201511051319.jar).

Edit the top part of the collect_sys_macros method like so:

def get_compiler_flags(lang, environ):
    return (environ['CXXFLAGS'] if lang == 'c++' else environ['CCFLAGS'])

def collect_sys_macros(lang, environ):
    command = [get_compiler(environ), '-E', '-dM', get_gcc_lang_param(lang)] + get_compiler_flags(lang, environ) + ['-']
    process = SCons.Action._subproc(environ, command, stdin='devnull', stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

Note the addition and use the get_compiler_flags method. After editing, put this back into the plugin in the same place (7-Zip does a fine job of this.)

This solves the problem for me, although I suspect there may be a more elegant way to do this (separate the options into another environment variable? or have a discovery cmd environment variable that can be set.)


@IMLizKing Thanks a lot for your fix. So basically you are using the configured flags in CXXFLAGS/CCFLAGS to collect the built-in compiler macros which in turn might be dependent on the chosen language level configured with the flags (e.g., C++11)?

@migel If this also works for you I'm happy to include this fix into the plug-in. Please let me know.

migel commented

Looks good, thanks for the fix.

@mrueegg Yep, this works for me since my CXXFLAGS explicitly include -std=gnu++11.

I think that the collect_sys_includes may also benefit from the inclusion of these flags (CCFLAGS or CXXFLAGS), if indeed the options alter the system include paths as @migel indicates. I haven't tested that though as my needs are currently being met...