
A prompt component based on vue2.0

Primary LanguageVue


A prompt component based on vue2.0



How To Use

  • install vue-message plugin
  npm install --save vue-message
  • main.js To Use

      import Vue form 'vue'
      import Msg from 'vue-message'
      Vue.use(Msg, {
        text: 'Hello world', duration: 3000, background: 'rgba(7,17,27,0.6)'
  • .vue To Use

      // this.$toast('你好')    //  string  or object  (version  0 - 1.1.5)
      this.$msg('Hello')        // ### 1.2.0 after 
      this.$msg({text:'未曾遗忘的青春', background: 'red'})

    1.2.0 + ===> $msg

    1.2.0 - ===> $toast

    1.2.2 update readme add demo link