
Implementation Materials for IHE ITI Profiles

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


Implementation Materials for IHE ITI Profiles.

This repository is for ITI committee management of the ITI committee managed implementation materials that are not managed elsewhere. The formal location for the public access to Implementation Materials is documented in General Introduction Appendix G https://profiles.ihe.net/GeneralIntro/ch-G.html

Note that all implementation materials are provided "as is", and are intended to be correct. There is no evaluation that they are correct now, or were correct at the time they were submitted. Care is taken to accept only examples that the committee has some confidence were correct.

Submitting your Examples

If you have examples you would like to submit, and we welcome any examples, Please provide a Pull-Request. You might need to fork the repository so as to provide a Pull-Request from your forked repository.

Your examples should be in the appropriate profile folder, and should be in a clear folder for your example. In your example folder you should have a README.md that explains your example. This readme is not required, and historically has not been done. We are recommending it as a collaboration.