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This project contains the tests for the Strongbox Webapp Assembly and different Repository layouts types. Followting Layouts supported for now:

  • Maven tests, based on maven-invoker-plugin;
  • Nuget tests, which are just Groovy scripts;

Maven tests

You will need the common environment to execute Maven Integration tests, this is only Java 1.8 and Maven 3.x installed. These tests active by default, however you can skip them using following profile:

  • -P\!run-maven-it-tests for Linux;
  • -P!run-maven-it-tests for Windows;

Nuget tests

To run Nuget tests you will also need Java 1.8 and Maven 3.x installed, and some .Net related environment (depends on you OS). Regardless of operating system you will need to download nuget.exe v3.4.4 here


Here you just need to install .Net Framework v4 and set the NUGET_V3_EXEC environment variable with value c:/path/to/nuget.exe.


To run Nuget tests here you will need mono to be installed. There were many problems with the compatibility of nuget.exe and mono versions, and the sutable combination is the following:

  • Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Mon Aug 14 15:46:23 UTC 2017)
  • nuget.exe v3.4.4 ( link )
  • NUGET_V3_EXEC need to be set with value mono \path\to\nuget.exe

Also you can skip Nuget tests using following profile:

  • -P\!run-nuget-it-tests for Linux;
  • -P!run-nuget-it-tests for Windows;