Online bookstore for donation of books and other material to poor kids.

Group Members -

  1. Roopam Jain
  2. Nirmal Nambiar
  3. Priyadarshini Kumari
  4. Dhananjay Singh
  5. Arhum Khan

Objective -

The product could be a replacement for the existing system where an individual needs to make manual efforts for finding people who need books or people who need to donate books. It could also be beneficial for the NGO’s where they can easily get in touch with people who want to share a helping hand and also it would be easy for them to reach out to the people who really need help. The product is an advantage to the educational system as books can be reused at a larger scale and also it would help in saving the environment as millions of trees are cut to get paper every year.

Detailed Instructions for Execution -

1- Download

2- Extract in a folder

3- Open with visual studio code

4- Commands:

(i)-   py -m venv venv

(ii)-  venv\Scripts\activate

(iii)- pip install -r requirements.txt

(iv)-  py manage.py runserver

In core /settings.py the stripe is commented out - just put your own details in here (not all of these are connected to the project)

Stripe Payment :


Admin login :

username and password = admin