
Google Spreadsheet to JSON API service for Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[Docker] GSX2JSON - Google Spreadsheet to JSON API service.


This is a dockerized version of https://github.com/55sketch/gsx2json


  • In Google Cloud Console enable Sheets API
  • Add API Key. (Optionally restrict to just Sheets API)
  • Make sure your Google Sheet is set to be shared to 'anyone with the link'.
  • Run docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t gsx2json:latest "."
  • Run docker run --name gsx2json --restart unless-stopped -d -e GOOGLE_API_KEY=APIKEYZZZZZZZZZ -p 5000:5000 gsx2json:latest


First, you must make sure your Google Sheet is set to be shared to 'anyone with the link'.

You can then access your readable JSON API using the /api endpoint. You can change this in app.js.


This will update live with changes to the spreadsheet.


id (required): The ID of your document. This is the big long aplha-numeric code in the middle of your document URL.

sheet (required): The name of the individual sheet you want to get data from.

q (optional): A simple query string. This is case insensitive and will add any row containing the string in any cell to the filtered result.

integers (optional - default: true): Setting 'integers' to false will return numbers as a string.

rows (optional - default: true): Setting 'rows' to false will return only column data.

columns (optional - default: true): Setting 'columns' to false will return only row data.

Example Response

There are two sections to the returned data - Columns (containing the names of each column), and Rows (containing each row of data as an object.

	columns: [
	rows: [
		name: "Nick",
		age: "21"
		name: "Chris ",
		age: "27"
		name: "Barry",
		age: "67"