
Access deeply nested chains of properties in a null-safe manner with optional delegate to handle (i.e. log) interrupted chains.

Primary LanguageC#

Library is available via NuGet prackage https://www.nuget.org/packages/DeepPropertyAccessor/

Inner workings of the library are explained in articles:




Access deeply nested chains of properties in a null-safe manner with optional delegate to handle (i.e. log) interrupted chains.

               //Or .DeepGetStruct(...)
   var val = subject.DeepGet(x => x.Prop.Field.Field.Prop,
                            (chainUpToNull, fullChain) => {
                                var fullChainDescr = fullChain.ToChainDescription();
                                var info =    $"Could not get value of {fullChainDescr}, " +
                                              $"because position {chainUpToNull.Count} " +
                                              $" ({chainUpToNull.Last().Name}) contained null.";

If there are no nulls in chain - val will get final value;

Otherwise - val will be null and delegate will be called with information, how far our code got. Delegate is optional.

Supported chains

Currently supports fields, properties, one-dimensional array indexers and custom indexers. Arguments must be constant primitive types or captured variables of such types, as shown in demo.

    var dictKey = "foo";
   var val = subject.DeepGet(x => x.Arr[10].Dict[dictKey].Field.Prop);

The following should also work, though not tested yet.

    var someVar = "foo";
   var val = subject.DeepGet(x => x.someMethod(5,someVar).Field.Prop);

Secondary parameter access inside chain is not supported.

   // not supported
   var val = subject.DeepGet(x => x.Arr[x.Fiel2.Prop2].Field.Prop);
   //use this instead
    var index = subject.DeepGet(x => x.Fiel2.Prop2);
    var val = subject.DeepGet(x => x.Arr[index].Field.Prop);