
An implementation of Command pattern for MobX. Works with promises.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is an implementation of Command pattern for MobX. It takes two functions, execute and canExecute, both can return a promise that will be used for tracking purposes.

Available via NPM:

npm install mobx-command

Tests sumarize the api well, here is short version:

import { command } from 'mobx-command';

class UserDetailsVm {

    public userId: number = 5;

    public resetPassword = command({
        execute: async (skipConfirmation: boolean = false) => {
            let confirmation = skipConfirmation || await confirmSensitiveAction("Are you sure?");
            if (!confirmation) {
                return 0;
            let operationId = await userServiceClient.resetUserPasswrod(this.userId);
            return operationId;
        canExecute: () => userServiceClient.isAdminCurrentUser(),
    // canExecute is lazy
    // if you wan't to trigger it immediately, pass evaluateCanExecuteImmediately: true 

let userDetailsVm = new UserDetailsVm();

//Mobx computed, combines isExecuting and canExecuteFromFn,
//use this check for most cases, i.e. prevent fast clicks on same button on ui.
//It is up to the user to check this flag before calling execute

//execute command if canExecuteCombined is true. 
let operationId1: number | undefined = userDetailsVm.resetPassword.executeIfCan(true);

//execute command. Does not perform checks, forces execution.
let operationId2: number = userDetailsVm.resetPassword.executeForced(true);

//more granular flags, all mobx observable or computed

//true while command is running, if it returns a promise to track this.
//Typically used to indicate busy on a ui button invoking the command

//Result of canExecute function; 
//If canExecute returns Promise<boolean> - will be false while check is running

//true while canExecute is running, if it returns a promise to track this

//If canExecute returned a promise that was ultimately rejected - 
//this will contain rejection reason

//Raw computed from canExecute function, so you can subscribe to its recalculations, if needed

By default, canExecute tracking is started via a setTimeoue(...,0) inside command function. Usually, commands are created inside a constructor, this avoids firing it while constructor is not finished. If you need a different start mode - you can pass in canExecuteStartMode with one of the following values:

*  controlls when canExecute function will be ran for the first time
export enum CanExecuteStartMode {
    *  run canExecute synchronously inside command
    InsideCommandFunction = 1,
    *  DEFAULT, run canExecute via setTimeout(...,0) inside command
    AsyncInsideCommandFunction = 2,
    *  canExecute will be run when one of relevant properties of command is accessed
    *  Observers do not like this mode, since it is likely to alters state 
    OnFirstCheck = 3,
    *  canExecute will be run via setTimeout(...,0) when one of relevant properties of command is accessed
    *  Observers do not like this mode, since it is likely to alters state 
   AsyncOnFirstCheck = 4,
    *  command does not start tracking canExecute (assuming false), 
    *  untill forceInitCanExecuteTracking is called
    Manual = 5

//in manual mode, you will have to explicitly start tracking: