Angular component for accessing remote desktops using guacamole
- 0
Touch events not working ?
#53 opened by fjrial - 1
@angular/http is depricated in angular 9
#18 opened by drAliRahnema - 1
npm start fail
#16 opened by MUYUSY - 0
Documentation Not Found
#27 opened by lexcorp - 7
Websocket connection failed : WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
#13 opened by MeriemBo - 0
- 1
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How i can connect this to nodejs server?
#10 opened by mehdi-nejati - 0
Can i use initial-program parameter ?
#9 opened by geraldokorn - 1
"ERROR in ./node_modules/@illgrenoble/ngx-remote-desktop/src/services/index.ts"
#8 opened by kandres2341 - 0
Move isFocused into manager
#1 opened by jamhall