- 1
Resource section for website
#65 opened by xeon-zolt - 2
Add contribution guidelines
#21 opened by realslimshanky - 0
Create call page and show shedule
#71 opened by xeon-zolt - 0
Create an Archive Repo/Blog
#70 opened by Soumya0803 - 4
create a simple form for collecting meme
#68 opened by xeon-zolt - 6
Open a memes section
#42 opened by hellozee - 0
Volunteers for logistics and social media
#67 opened by xeon-zolt - 0
Hire and pitching and collobaration
#66 opened by xeon-zolt - 0
Highlights section
#57 opened by miphilomath - 3
- 0
Adding ILUGD meme channel link
#60 opened by miphilomath - 1
Updating IRC channel to #ilugdelhi
#58 opened by miphilomath - 1
- 1
- 2
Should links open in current tab or new tab?
#24 opened by sourabhtk37 - 9
Add a volunteers section to our webpage.
#37 opened by hellozee - 0
- 0
Seperate chat rooms from social tab
#27 opened by sourabhtk37 - 0
Add our youtube channel to the website
#38 opened by hellozee - 1
website fails to resolve with but resolves on
#35 opened by rajudev - 3 does not resolve
#22 opened - 1
Topic for ILUGD Talk on 06-May-2017
#12 opened by hiharcharan - 1
#2 opened by realslimshanky - 1
repository empty!
#1 opened by thewisenerd - 0
Add all socialmedia links to the website
#3 opened by Warlord77