Gooey's Quests
A module for Terasology that causes a Gooey to randomly spawn around the world, offering the player quests that create structures.
Getting Started
- Start a game in a world with mountains, with GooeysQuests activated.
- Walk around until you find a character named Gooey that will ask you something.
- So every time Gooey adds a structure, you will see something new.
- Right now there are two available structures, the dungeon and the dwarf hall, but they have different combinations, so every time gooey add the structure, you will see something new.
- But be careful - the changes Gooey makes to the world may impact any existing builds, be sure the area is clear!
Adding more structures
If you want to add a new structure, first you have to create the structures templates that will form the structure. Then you will have to create two java classes: a component and a system, typically in the folder /src/main/java/org/terasology/gooeysQuests/quests
Naming conventions:
- Add the name of your structure at the beginning of the name of each structure template that you create
- The format for java class names is:
A drawing of a "gooey" made by SuperSnark was the inspiration for Gooey, the main character of this module.