Progressive Spatio-Temporal Prototype Matching for Text-Video Retrieval --ICCV2023 Oral
- AadAamm
- awei669South China University of Technology
- Binyr
- bollossomCASIA
- ChenHsingFudan University
- CuiRuikaiCanberra/Australia
- DZhaoXd
- Fangkang515无
- haoni0812qingshuihe campus of UESTC
- haoyuc
- IMCCretrieval
- Jiang01151144
- jiaxiZengBeijing Institute of Technology
- jinjiaqi1998
- LingyiHongfdChina
- lwyfish
- miaoyuchun
- NJUyuedNanjing University
- OwXiaoMAny where on earth
- QinghongLinNational University of Singapore
- Qinying-LiuUniversity of Science of Technology of China
- RainBowLuoCSUCAS | TongYi Laboratory
- RuoyiDuBeijing
- shiqubianbuhui
- sunwenzhang1996Beijing Institute of Technology
- tacy-zoc
- Tianhao-QiUSTC
- w1ovesuniversity of science and technology of china
- wl-zhaoTsinghua University
- Yanfeng-ZhouInstitute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- YangLiu9208Sun Yat-sen University
- Yankai96Shanghai AI Laboratory
- YexiongLin
- Yujianyuan
- Yullj
- yyvhangUSTC