
A text-to-SWRL rules converter with simple consistency checks.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A library for processing sensitivity analysis rules produced by Cardiff University within the project KnoholEM.


The library builds with maven. Ensure that you have a maven installation, e.g issuing:

mvn -v

If this fails, follow the installation instructions on the maven website.

A jar package can be produced via:

mvn package

It will be placed under the target subdirectory. You can add the jar in your classpath manually, or alternatively, if you use maven, install it with:

mvn install


The rule parser needs a configuration in order to work. You can make yours by implementing RuleParserConfiguration or use the default one:

RuleParser parser = new RuleParser(RuleParserConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration());

Once you've got an sensitivity analysis rule string conforming with the configuration, you can parse it like this:

SensitivityAnalysisRule rule = parser.parseRule(ruleLiteral);

A SensitivityAnalysisRule can be converted to an SWRL rule via the SWRLConverter interface. Similarly to the RuleParser it needs a configuration instance:

SWRLConverter converter = new SWRLConverter(SWRLConverterConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration());
SWRLRule swrlRule = converter.convertRule(rule);

Before converting to the SWRL representation, you should make sure that all referenced entities could be found in the target ontology. Otherwise the entities would be written in the ontology without producing any error while breaking the consistency of the ABox.

The ontology package provides an interface to a reference ontology which implements the OWL API. Use the implementations there to perform the necessary filtering of the rule atoms with the KnoHolEM ontology or write your own when adopting a different specification.

Once the rules are converted to the SWRL representation, they can be written in an ontology via the ontology.rulesprocessing.RuleExporter mapper. An example implementation could be found in the ExportRules class.


The jar package has a main entry point which allows you to convert the sensitivity analysis rules in a set of files and print the resulting SWRL representations on the standard output.

java -jar target/cu-rules-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/rules...