A flowchart/spreadsheet hybrid, where connections are front-and-centre, rather than tabular cells.
Coming from Spreadsheets, instead of Cells, we have both Nodes, and Links. Links have a formula associated to them, that can manipulate the incoming and destination data.
Nodes primarily hold data, and can be a few different types. Currently these include:
- Switch (Boolean / On-Off)
- Integers (Whole Numbers)
- Decimals (Floats, Real numbers)
- Percentages (Same as Decimals, but controlled with a slider between 0% and 100%)
- Text (Strings)
- Button (Same as Switch, but needs to be held down by the user to be on/true)
There is an EDIT mode, where you can add nodes and links, and set the initial values of nodes, and the formulae of links. There is a STYLE mode, where you can set how the nodes and links look. And there is a TEST mode, where you can try out your flowsheet without accidentally changing anything.
There is a scripting language you can use in the console.
There are still some pretty fundamental features that are not yet implemented. These include:
- Undo/Redo of actions
- Resizing the sheet
- Grouping nodes and moving them together
- Exporting flowsheets to html/css/js (Maybe?)
- Datetime Node types
- Enum Node types
- Some Collection Node types (Arrays?) - Not sure yet what this would look like