
At IMSA, students struggle to have their laundry done on time because they are either all full, or they forget to pick up the laundry.

Laundry @ IMSA


At IMSA, students struggle to have their laundry done on time because they are either all full, or they forget to pick up the laundry.


We look to construct a website where IMSA students can check which laundry machines are currently being used, and set up a queue to claim your usage of a washer/dryer.


  • Database that can hold the information
    • time start
    • user
    • hall
    • availability - queue
  • Website both mobile and browser compatible
  • Bootstrap can easily respond to mobile
  • tabs for different halls?
  • Form to connect to the database, and enter in your own
  • Login from IMSA account so no spam? (no more than how many of the washers and dryers there are


  • By halls?
  • AD vs BC dryers how do we want to organize this
  • Where do we put the sign up vs the queue
  • How will we be able to view the times at which it is stored?
  • How can we make sure people do it on time, and how do we account for the differences in time between each person