
Telegram bot for reagents accounting

Primary LanguagePython

General description

This bot uses telebot for reagents accounting. The main DB is SQLite3 and bot uses redis for user state storage.

To setup this bot:

  1. git clone https://github.com/IMikhaylov2710/reaMIPT
  2. cd reaMIPT
  3. you could run pip install requirements.txt or python _install.py, _install.py uses conda
  4. run _setupDB.py, which will setup database and populate it with test data
  5. cd redis and run docker build -t redis .
  6. cd redis and run docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379
  7. after redis is set up on port 6379 cd ../ && run entrypoint.py -API $YOUR_API_KEY

Note: if you intend to copy this bot - make sure that your telegram bot has /start, /statistics, /admin and /add menu tabs

Bot usage

Bot is pretty self-explandatory, navigation is through buttons with hashed callbacks and so on.