
bips -l does not list dMRI workflows

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello BIPs World,

I would like to analyze a DTI dataset using BIPs, but I seem to have hit a bit of a snag. Whenever I invoke "bips -l", I am presented with a wonderful list of workflows and their hashes. However, I cannot seem to find the dMRI workflows (from bips/workflows/gablab/wips/dmri) in that list. I've tried executing them despite their disappearance using "bips -c d9b" and "bips -c fda", but those commands do not seem to work either (a ValueError is thrown stating that the no pipelines with those UUIDs exist, even though the UUIDs are clearly there in the source code). Any ideas what might be going on? My best intuition is that the dMRI pipelines are not being added to a dictionary of runnable pipelines, although the register_workflow(mwf) lines at the ends of '' and '' would seem to eliminate that possibility.

--John Pellman

satra commented

@jpellman - @akeshavan was the primary developer of bips, but she has moved on to other things. a lot of bips is no longer maintained. i would encourage looking at the examples in the nipype repository itself for more updated scripts.

from a nipype perspective our focus is on maintaining nipype itself, so a number of the examples there are more up to date than bips.

Hi @satra ,

Thanks for letting me know that the Nipype examples are better maintained. I'll be sure to check them out.

Just as a suggestion, would you consider adding your response on this ticket to the project Readme? I'm sure that other people will come across BIPs at some point as well, and it would be good for them to know that your focus is currently on maintaining the Nipype examples and that those are the most current.

satra commented


Marvelous 👍