A Polyglot Telegram Chat Bot

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Infinite Technology ∞ David 🤖

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

  • Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias".




export ascendClientPrivateKey=<your Private key, you can get one from https://ascend-secaas.herokuapp.com/ascend/public/keyPair
export ascendClientPublicKeyName=<your app name as registered with http://ascend.rest e.g. "MyChatBot">
export ascendGrantingUrl=https://ascend-secaas.herokuapp.com
export ascendValidationUrl=https://ascend-secaas.herokuapp.com
export orbitUrl=https://orbit-secured.herokuapp.com
export botToken="<your Telegram Bot Token>"
export botUsername="<your Telegram Bot user name, as defined with Bot Father>"
export telegramAdminId="<your persaonal Telegram User ID (number), to administrate the bot>"
java -Dserver.port=$PORT $JAVA_OPTS -jar "david-web/build/libs/david-web-1.0.0.jar"


David is a ready-to-deploy archetype Telegram Chat Bot App, extendable with a user-defined plugins.

In short

It takes only few clicks to deploy David - and you have a functioning (yet empty) chat bot.

Now you can develop your business functionality using David Plugins - each one representing a command.

The changes you do in the Plugins reflect in the chat immediately - you don't need to re-deploy or restart David.

This saves a lot of time and makes development more visualized.

David comes pre-packaged and pre-configured to address typical use cases.


David provides the following features:

  • Operational
    • Deployment friendly - David is Spring Boot Application ready for Cloud deployment (e.g. Heroku)
    • DB friendly - David comes with JPA support onboard
    • Logging - SLF4J + Bobbin + BlackBox - the best existing Logging stack. You won't even have to write logging code yourself in plugins - it is added automatically.
  • Development & built-in features
    • User input handling - requesting and waiting for user input, and gracefully handling wrong data or junk
    • No wasted time on code infrastructure - David helps you to go straight to developing the features
    • Code structuring - each bot command is in separate plugin.
    • User registration - David provides user repository with generic KYC attributes
    • Step-up authentication - e-mail or SMS OTP via Pigeon
    • Rapid requirement implementation using scripted language (Groovy)
    • Push Notifications - David provides extendable Push REST API, which help to pro-actively communicate with your bot users


Technology stack

  • TelegramBots
  • Spring Boot
  • Groovy
  • SQL DB (via JPA and Spring Data)
  • REST+HATEOAS (via Spring Data Rest repositories)
  • Bot commands extensible using Plugins (Groovy scripts)
  • Bobbin - logger
  • BlackBox - logging code automation
  • Ascend - step-up authentication & security framework
  • Pigeon - e-mail & SMS OTP
  • HTTP Client

Try David now!

We have deployed a David Demo Bot repository is as a Heroku app (david-demo).

Just talk to him in Telegram: @david_demo_bot!

Or fork the repository and deploy straight to Heroku!