
Group project for INFO30005, Unimelb, 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Group web project for INFO30005 2022, University of Melbourne.


Run npm install at root folder to install all required packages.

Run node app.js or npm run dev to run the app in local and visit localhost:3000 to test the app.

Heroku deploy

Required installed Heroku CLI and logged in.

Our app name is tutel-diabetes-home

Access link: https://tutel-diabetes-home.herokuapp.com/

git push heroku main to push our main branch to heroku remote main branch.

git push heroku delivery2:main to push our delivery2 branch to heroku remote main branch.

We need to push our stuff to heroku remote main for it to build.


  • Lam Nguyen Khoa
  • Wenzheng Du
  • Hai Ha Nguyen
  • Ngoc Bao Luong
  • Andrew Pham

Coding styles

  • Use 2 space indentation.
  • Class name in HTML/Handlebars use all lowercase with hyphen (ex: a-long-class-name).
  • Variable and function name in JavaScript use camelCase, while classes and database model use PascalCase.
  • File naming using all lowercase with hypen (ex: about-us.hbs)

Internal links