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This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

The software and data in this repository are a snapshot of the software and data that were used in the research reported on in the paper VRPSolverEasy: a Python library for the exact solution of a rich vehicle routing problem by N. Errami, E. Queiroga, R. Sadykov, and E. Uchoa.

Important: This code is being developed on an on-going basis at https://github.com/inria-UFF/VRPSolverEasy. Please go there if you would like to get a more recent version or would like support


To cite the contents of this repository, please cite both the paper and this repo, using their respective DOIs.



Below is the BibTex for citing this snapshot of the respoitory.

  author =        {N. Errami and E. Queiroga and R. Sadykov and E. Uchoa},
  publisher =     {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  title =         {{VRPSolverEasy: a Python library for the exact solution of a rich vehicle routing problem}},
  year =          {2023},
  doi =           {10.1287/ijoc.2023.0103.cd},
  note =          {Available for download at https://github.com/INFORMSJoC/2023.0103},


VRPSolverEasy is a Python package which provides a simple interface for VRPSolver, a state-of-the-art Branch-Cut-and-Price exact solver for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). The simplified interface is accessible for users without operations research background, meaning you do not need to know how to model your problem as an Integer Programming problem. As a price to pay for the simplicity, this interface is restricted to some standard VRP variants, which involve the following features and their combinations:

  • capacitated vehicles
  • customer time windows
  • heterogeneous fleet
  • multiple depots
  • open routes
  • optional customers with penalties
  • parallel links to model transition time/cost trade-off
  • incompatibilities between vehicles and customers
  • customers with alternative locations and/or time windows

To our knowledge, VRPSolver is the most efficient exact solver available for VRPs. Its particularity is to focus on finding and improving a lower bound on the optimal solution value of your instance. It is less efficient in finding feasible solutions but still can be better than available heuristic solvers for non-classic VRP variants.


VRPSolverEasy requires a version of python >= 3.6

⚠️ Before starting the installation, update your version of pip:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Installation Method

  • Download the repository and extract it
  • Move to the root directory and run:
    python -m pip install .

Copy binaries

Once the package is installed you will need to request the Bapcod distribution here: https://bapcod.math.u-bordeaux.fr/ Once you have downloaded the distribution. You just have to go to the VRPSolverEasy folder and copy the system folder corresponding to your computer and copy it into the lib folder of the VRPSolverEasy python package. For example if your computer is a Mac you will copy and replace the Darwin folder, you will then have VRPSolverEasy/lib/Darwin.


A simple example that shows how to use the VRPSolverEasy package:

import VRPSolverEasy as vrpse
import math

def compute_euclidean_distance(x_i, x_j, y_i, y_j):
  """compute the euclidean distance between 2 points from graph"""
    return round(math.sqrt((x_i - x_j)**2 +
                            (y_i - y_j)**2), 3)

# Data
cost_per_distance = 10
begin_time = 0
end_time = 5000
nb_point = 7

# Map with names and coordinates
coordinates = {"Wisconsin, USA": (44.50, -89.50),  # depot
              "West Virginia, USA": (39.000000, -80.500000),
              "Vermont, USA": (44.000000, -72.699997),
              "Texas, the USA": (31.000000, -100.000000),
              "South Dakota, the US": (44.500000, -100.000000),
              "Rhode Island, the US": (41.742325, -71.742332),
              "Oregon, the US": (44.000000, -120.500000)

# Demands of points
demands = [0, 500, 300, 600, 658, 741, 436]

# Initialisation
model = vrpse.Model()

# Add vehicle type

# Add depot
model.add_depot(id=0, name="D1", tw_begin=0, tw_end=5000)

coordinates_keys = list(coordinates.keys())
# Add customers
for i in range(1, nb_point):

# Add links
coordinates_values = list(coordinates.values())
for i in range(0, 7):
    for j in range(i + 1, 7):
        dist = compute_euclidean_distance(coordinates_values[i][0],

# solve model

if model.solution.is_defined():

Replicating Experiments

File Naming Conventions

Scripts in the scripts folder follow a naming convention:

  • Problem: CVRP, CVRPTW, or HFVRP
  • Solver: CLP or CPLEX.
  • Upper Bound Source: hgs, no, yes.
    • hgs: Via Hybrid Genetic Search (HGS).
    • no: No heuristic upper bound.
    • yes: Via OR-Tools.
  • CPLEX Settings: Specifies whether the CPLEX built-in heuristic is enabled or disabled.
    • yes_no: Upper bound from OR-Tools, CPLEX built-in heuristic disabled.
    • yes_yes: Upper bound from OR-Tools, CPLEX built-in heuristic enabled.

Demos options

The demos CVRP.py, CVRPTW.py, and HFVRP.py are called with the following options:

  • -i: Instance path.
  • -s: Solver (CLP or CPLEX).
    • To use CPLEX, you'll need to install the academic version of VRPSolverEasy (see the documentation).
  • -u: Upper bound, whether obtained from OR-Tools or HGS.
  • -e: Time limit in seconds.
  • -b: Disables the CPLEX built-in heuristic (set to yes to disable, no to enable).

Running Experiments

  1. Navigate to scripts.
  2. Run desired script: sh script_name.sh.
  3. Output will be written to the results folder. The results obtained for the paper are already available there.

Ongoing Development

This code is being developed on an on-going basis at the author's Github site.


For support in using this software, submit an issue.