
Teseo2: Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Electronic Original Ones

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Teseo2: Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Electronic Original Ones

Teseo2 is a software tool for quick and accurate digitization/vectorization of seismogram traces from raster files.

It has been developed in the framework of the Sismos project [Michelini and the Sismos Team, 2005] at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy). This name was inspired by the myth of Theseus and it is also an acronym for

Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Electronic Original Ones.

Teseo2 is a plug-in for GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program - that extends its functionalities for seismological studies. The GIMP is a multiplatform photo manipulation tool freely distributed. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.

Teseo2 allows primarily for:

  • additional operations on the vectorized trace (i.e. resampling and alignment)
  • supervised vectorization algorithms (colour weighted mean)
  • analysis after trace vectorization, such as curvature correction and time realignment
  • trace import/export in several formats (such as SAC, SVG, DXF, ASCII, Timemarks distances).

In order to keep track of the stages and parameters of a seismogram vectorization, Teseo2 is able to write this information into the image saved into GIMP's native XCF file type.

Teseo2 is developed following the "Open-Source" philosophy and it is freely distributed under GPL license. It is cross-platform and the sources, the binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, are periodically updated on the Sismos web site.

Documentation links

Using Teseo by Docker (recommended)

We recommend to run Teseo by Docker in a Unix-like environment (Linux or Mac OS X).

We tested the new docker installation on Linux and Mac OS X. We have not had a chance to test the docker installation on Windows as well. But with an X server, an ssh client and a few other little tweaks it should work.

Installation and use Teseo by Docker


  • Docker (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)

  • X11 server

    • Mac OS X: Xquartz - https://www.xquartz.org/
    • Important note for XQuartz: in XQuartz Preferences, within "Security" tab, you have to check the option "Allow connections from network clients".
  • git

    • Mac OS X: Xcode - xcode-select --install
  • make

    • Mac OS X: Xcode - xcode-select --install
  • ssh client

    • ssh client is required for running Teseo Docker Image by make run_ssh (see below the option based on ssh and X11).

Download teseo2 repository

git clone https://github.com/INGV/teseo2.git
cd teseo2

Build Docker Image

Edit the file Makefile.env and set properly the following custom variables:

# Custom variables


# Custom SSH port used to access to docker container

# User ID and Group ID for teseo user and group.
# WARNING: On Linux, if you run docker image by different UID or GID
# you could not able to write in docker mount data directory.
# If you want always add new teseo user and group set ENV_UID and ENV_GID to zero.
ENV_UID=`id -u`
ENV_GID=`id -g`

# Default docker mount data directory
BASEMOUNTDIR = `pwd`/DockerMount

Then run:

make build

Run Docker Image

Teseo Docker Image is based on X11 environment. You need to set up an X11 server on your computer.

You can run Teseo Docker Image by one of the two following options:

1) Based on ssh and X11.

NOTE: This is the general solution based on docker SSH server service.

This solution should work on all cases.

You have to run the docker container as a SSH service by:

make up

Then run teseo2:

make run_ssh

When you finished to use the docker container remember to stop it by:

make down
2) Based on X11 local socket.

WARNING: It works only on Linux. It does not work on Mac OS X!

make run_xlocal

Update Docker Image

To update your Teseo Docker Image pull the changes from git repository and rebuild by make.

cd teseo2
git pull


make build

General Build from scratch


  • gimp-2.2.9 up to gimp-2.10.x

The configure scripts might fail asking you the dependency libraries you have to install or to specify into PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

Quick installation

$ tar xzvf teseo*.tar.gz
$ cd teseo2/
$ cd gtk-addons
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../newuoa
$ ./configure F77=<fortran-path> && make && sudo make install
$ cd ../teseo-2
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install

Details in file ./teseo-2/INSTALL


Stefano Pintore and Matteo Quintiliani.


Diego Franceschi, Antoine Schlupp, Daniel Amorese.


Michelini, A. and the Sismos Team (2005). Collection, digitization and distribution of historical seismological data at INGV. EOS, 86(28).

Pintore S., Quintiliani M., Franceschi D. (2005) Teseo: a vectoriser of historical seismograms. Computers & Geosciences, Volume 31, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 1277-1285, ISSN 0098-3004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2005.04.001

Schlupp, Antoine & Cisternas, Armando. (2007). Source history of the 1905 great Mongolian earthquakes (Tsetserleg, Bolnay). Geophysical Journal International. 169. 1115 - 1131. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03323.x.

Cadek, O. (1987). Studying earthquake ground motion in prague from wiechert seismograph records. Gerl. Beitr. Geoph., 96:438-447.