- 0
Сборка inmost с gcc 14.0.1 заканчивается ошибкой: error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘const INMOST::keyval_table’ and ‘const INMOST::keyval_table’)
#46 opened by rustamNSU - 2
Using mlmptiluc with openmp only leads to increased solving time with more number of threads
#44 opened by rustamNSU - 1
Current time in vtu or vtk file
#45 opened by Alchem334 - 2
- 4
- 5
Crash in ExchangeGhost
#37 opened by VKramarenko - 7
Problems with INMOST Split Functions
#36 opened by APlenkin - 5
- 1
CMake Install
#26 opened by bvdmitri - 2
- 1
Вложенные сетки
#22 opened by as-92 - 1
- 2
Проблема со сборкой INMOST
#16 opened by xaligali - 2
Test pmesh_test000 fails
#15 opened by a-a-danilov - 13
Failure Compiling ParMETIS on Windows
#14 opened by wurunjian - 3
Consider using wiki
#4 opened by kirill-terekhov - 4
Storage for MatrixMarket collections
#10 opened by kirill-terekhov - 5
- 9
Ghost layers are not created
#13 opened by nikitink - 0
When loading mesh in internal format, markers are incorrectly assigned to already busy locations.
#12 opened by kirill-terekhov - 4
Rename organization
#7 opened by kirill-terekhov - 3
- 0
- 5
- 1
Mesh::PrepareGeometricData is sensitive to order of elements in GeomParam table
#3 opened by a-a-danilov - 1
- 2
- 3