
Visualization Literacy 101 is an initial attempt at designing calibrated visualization literacy tests for line graphs, bar charts, and scatterplots.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Visualization 101

Visualization 101 is an initial atempt at creating visulization literacy tests. Assessing how well people understand visualizations has great value for research (e.g., to avoid confounds), for design (e.g., to best determine the capabilities of an audience), for teaching (e. g., to assess the level of new students), and for recruiting (e. g., to assess the level of interviewees).

This repository contains:

  • a folder with four twelve-item tests that were used for calibration (_01_full_VL_test)
  • a folder with four calibrated tests (_02_calibrated_VL_tests)

All of these tests have been tested on Google Chrome.

All response values are available in the browser console.