
Comment on final proposal - Dataset metadata change

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JRC proposal:

#Data set metadata
The proposed approach for data set metadata is aligned with the Discussion Paper. Data sets are documented in metadata as currently described in the Technical Guidance documents, with minor modifications for the provision of data-service linkage. In the metadata for each data set, resource locator elements are provided for at least one view and one download service (mandatory), pointing to an "INSPIRE Get Download/View Service Metadata" request.

Therefore, this proposal will affect the Requirement 1.8 of current Metadata TG (v2.0), line:

The multiplicity of this element is 0..n.

by changing the multiplicity to 2...n.

Since the beginning we mentionned that the simplification approach would be on top of the existing one. The multiplicity should then not be changed for the current approach.
The Metadata TG should then say something like:
2..n when using simplification approach and 0..n otherwise.

It has been decided to create an additional conformance class for "simplification" metadata so the cardinality would remained unchanged for the original conformance class.