
A formal model of the FMI specification in VDM

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This repository contains a VDM model of the FMI standard, plus supporting tools. The repository contains the following projects:

For FMI2:

  • fmi2.static-model - a VDM-SL model of the static semantics of FMI 2.0 modelDescription XML files
  • fmi2.dynamic-model - a VDM-SL model of the dynamic semantics of the FMI 2.0 API
  • fmi2.cosim-test - a VDM-SL model to test the dynamic semantics of co-simulation FMUs
  • fmi2.modelex-test - a VDM-SL model to test the dynamic semantics of model-exchange FMUs
  • fmi2.static-tests - a set of test XML files for the static semantics
  • fmi2.vdmcheck - a Java tool to convert FMI 2.0 modeDescription XML files to VDM-SL and check them

For FMI3

  • fmi3.static-model - a VDM-SL model of the static semantics of FMI 3.0 modelDescription XML files
  • fmi3.dynamic-model - a VDM-SL model of the dynamic semantics of the FMI 3.0 API
  • fmi3.dynamic-matrix - a spreadsheet of the mode/state callability of the FMI3 API functions
  • fmi3.rules-model - a new VDM-SL model of static semantics, suitable for integration with the FMI Standard
  • fmi3.ls-bus-model - a VDM-SL model of the FMI3 Network Communication Layered Standard
  • fmi3.vdmcheck - a Java tool to convert FMI 3.0 modeDescription XML files to VDM-SL and check them

General projects:

  • fmi2.cosim - a VDM-SL model of the interaction of a set of FMUs
  • fmi2.cosim2vdm - a Java tool to convert Maestro JSON configurations to VDM-SL.
  • xsd2vdm - a Java tool to convert XSD schemas into VDM-SL schemas
  • fmuReader - a VDMJ external format reader, to allow FMUs to be read directly by VDM tools.

The FMI{2,3} static semantic models and the FMI{2,3} VDM conversion tools are packaged in the release to create stand-alone tools for verifying FMU files, called VDMCheck{2,3}. These can be used to check existing FMI version 2 or 3 FMU files against the standard; a pure Java version of each tool is available, which does not depend on the bash shell (eg. for use on Windows).


The VDMCheck tools are issued under a GPLv3 licence. The VDM models sources themselves are issued under an MIT licence. Licence headers and text are included with the package.


To install the VDMCheck package, unzip the distribution ZIP (the top level contains a folder called vdmcheck-<version>, which you can rename). Add the top level folder to your PATH so that the script within is available.


$ VDMCheck2.sh
Usage: VDMCheck2.sh [-h2|-h3 <FMI2/3 Standard base URL>] [-v <VDM outfile>] -x <XML> | <file>.fmu | <file>.xml
$ VDMCheck3.sh 
Usage: VDMCheck3.sh [-h <FMI Standard base URL>] [-v <VDM outfile>] <file>.fmu | <file>.xml


C:\> java -jar <path to vdmcheck2 installation>/vdmcheck2.jar 
Usage: java -jar vdmcheck2.jar [-h2|-h3 <FMI2/3 Standard base URL>] [-v <VDM outfile>] -x <XML> | <file>.fmu | <file>.xml
C:\> java -jar <path to vdmcheck3 installation>/vdmcheck3.jar 
Usage: java -jar vdmcheck3.jar [-h <FMI Standard base URL>] [-v <VDM outfile>] <file>.fmu | <file>.xml

For normal use, the tool would be invoked with a single FMU file, though it is possible to analyse an extracted modelDescription.xml file.

It is possible to capture the VDM-SL version of the XML file that is produced by using the -v option, but this is mainly for working with the formal model itself.

If the FMU or XML has no errors, the tool will report No errors found and have an exit code of 0.

Otherwise errors are listed on standard output. They consist of a unique test name followed by an error message, plus a link the FMI Standard that is relevant to the error:

> VDMCheck2.sh 2.2.1_invalidOutputs2.xml
validCSModelIdentifier: "Test FMU" not valid C variable name at modelDescription:4
https://github.com/modelica/fmi-standard/releases/download/v2.0.4/FMI-Specification-2.0.4.pdf Section 2.1.1, Page 14
validVariableAttributes: Variable "v1" causality/variability/initial/start <input>/<continuous>/nil/nil invalid at modelDescription:6
https://github.com/modelica/fmi-standard/releases/download/v2.0.4/FMI-Specification-2.0.4.pdf Section 2.2.7, Page 46
validOutputs: Outputs should be omitted at modelDescription:10
https://github.com/modelica/fmi-standard/releases/download/v2.0.4/FMI-Specification-2.0.4.pdf Section 2.2.8, Page 58
Errors found.

> VDMCheck3.sh transpose.fmu
validCSIntermediateUpdate: canReturnEarlyAfterIntermediateUpdate requires providesIntermediateUpdate at modelDescription.xml:22
See: https://fmi-standard.org/docs/3.0/#table-CoSimulation-details
Errors found.