
Learn basic of Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Learn Docker 🐳

  • Hands-on repository to learn about Docker

Getting Started

Run on Playground

  • No installation need, just use the sandbox!

Local Development

WSL Installation

  • Before you can setup Docker on your local machine, you need to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) in order to install Docker. See WSL installation guide

Docker Installation

Let's Dock!

  1. Git clone this repository in Docker Sandbox.

  2. cd into /learn_docker.

  3. Build Docker image with the following command

    docker build -t hello-docker .

    Don't forget to put the period at the end of the command! Wait a couple of seconds before the image is completely build.

  4. Check whether the image has been build with

    docker image ls

    The following output should shown

    REPOSITORY     TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    hello_docker   latest    5c8a423dfed9   16 minutes ago   222MB
  5. Spin the new container from the image with

    docker run hello_docker 
  6. The following output should shown

    hello wei
    hello wei
    hello wei
  7. Show all container with command

    docker ps -a

    Output will show the existing container

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED
    8a203ca5aa3d   hello_docker   "/bin/sh -c 'python …"   5 seconds 
  8. To delete the container, run command

    docker rm 8a203ca5aa3d

    docker rm <container_id>

  9. After than you can delete the image with

    docker rmi 5c8a423dfed9

    docker rmi <image_id>

NOTE: To delete image, you need to delete the container first (due to container is the runnable instance of image)

  1. Congratulation you has successfully build with Docker! 🐳🎉

Use Case

  • Deploying REST API with FastAPI, wrapped with Docker to ECR with Fargate on ECS see tutorial


  1. Docker Curriculum
  2. Dockerfile docs
  3. Play with Docker